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Today was a good day ………

By 12th December 20092 Comments


I know that things have sounded very sad recently and I can’t hide it when I feel that way. This week has been one of the hardest I can remember since losing her last year. I’ve been off work and rattling around the house, trying to rest and pull myself together. I’ve ignored my phone and gone into myself like I always do. I feel terrible because I know so many people are just trying to help, but it’s my answer to everything…. hide.. hide…. hide. But today I just wanted to remember a good time, one of the simplest and best days I’ve had in ages. Today I went back to my favourite place, the woods.I’ve begun researching for the next Wonderland pictures and as always it’s the forests I return to. I have no idea why I am so calmed when I am there, but standing in the broken sunlight, climbing over stumps and jumping on fallen branches, just closing my eyes and breathing that air – it’s like washing my face in happiness. I am me, I feel free, suddenly everything is ok again and I can focus on new ideas instead of all the noise in my head.
So this is just for me, snaps of magical places I found today. While the rest of the world was battling through the streets Christmas shopping, I was knee deep in mud, with an enormous smile.
This felt good….. this felt real …..this I can hold on to.

Author Kirsty

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