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Sometimes it helps………….

By 4th May 2008No Comments

The day is long.........

It was just one of those times when my camera saved me…… I felt how he looked……. I stood on London bridge, tired, sad…..wishing I was somewhere else, when the sun broke through the clouds and lit the metal seal straight across the road.
A blazing trail that ran from the horizon to the tip of my shoes. I pulled my camera from my bag and took 3 shots… all I could see was the sun and blurred silhouettes, as I felt the warmth spread across my face like a kiss from a dear friend.
I turned my back, looked at the screen, and there he was……….. a perfect living metaphor for the moment.
Sometimes I don’t know how I would get through these recent days without something beautiful to discover and share……

It was once said somewhere how every picture taken is a self portrait of the person behind the camera….. in the last few weeks I have found that disturbingly true…. throwing myself into this is my way of dealing with things.

Not so many words this week, and music still doesn’t feel right to add to these last two entries – but here is what I have been doing anyhow.

The morning after the night before....
Needle in a haystack........

finding strength

Author Kirsty

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