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Behind the Scenes for London Solo Show at Mead Carney

By 26th April 20158 Comments


It’s Sunday 26th of April, and as usual I’m working like crazy trying to meet endless deadlines surrounding the Wonderland show opening in London in just over a week. I wish I had a quiet moment to sit and write as I normally do, to try to put into words all that I am feeling right now, but it is sadly impossible keeping up with the pace of all that has to be done.
So instead I just wanted to take this moment to first of all share my excitement at the scale and beautiful quality of the show prints, and secondly to help explain a few further details. I have been completely overwhelmed with questions about the show and the Wonderland book, so I am literally just going to list some answers for you all here to help clear things up (and use this as an excuse to share some pictures of the prints too ! )

  • The London show will run from May 7th –  June 13th at Mead Carney Gallery, London, 45 Dover Street W1S4FF.  Nearest Tube is Green Park.
  • Opening times –  Mon-Fri 10am – 6pm  Sat – 12pm-5pm
  • You do not need tickets –  Mead Carney is not a museum or large public gallery, it is a privately owned gallery that is open to the public and focuses on private sales to clients. The public are welcome to visit the show, but do not need to book or pay
  • The show is not the entire Wonderland collection (74 pieces). This show will consist of 19 of some of the most iconic images in the series at thier largest sizes, including 6 huge pieces at 2 meters high. All of these works are for sale through the gallery.
  • This is not the final Wonderland show in the UK. I am still entirely focused on producing a major museum style show that will feature the full 74 piece collection, as well as some of the costumes  and props I have made for the pictures. I also plan to include behind the scenes galleries and the films. This is a future goal that will require sponsorship and planning which I hope to achieve in 2016. It’s a big dream but I am committed to it.
  • The show will be filmed and photographed  for those of you who cannot visit London
  • Please be respectful of the Mead Carney staff. The gallery is open to the public and you are most welcome to go and enjoy the work, but they cannot provide you with any facilities whilst you are there. It is a selling enviroment for art collectors.
  • The show is proudly sponsored by Nikon UK who have been a fantastic endless support to me over the past two years, for which I am extremely grateful.
  • You are allowed to take photos in the gallery

I am receiving a huge volume of messages about the Wonderland book and I know everyone is desperate for news. I promise you once the show has been launched you will all be fully updated on the book straight away. I have exciting news, and the proposed release date will be Christmas this year.  This may sound like a long way away, but you will have the opportunity to get involved with the book very soon, hopefully in the coming month.  I cannot wait to share my plans with you all, it will give you the chance to follow the entire progress of the birth of the book, so please bear with me and thank you for your endless patience x

Pure Blood of a Blossom option 2Now for some beautiful pictures from my visit to the printers earlier this week. I cannot explain how this made me feel, finally after 6 years of working on the project everything began to feel like it was worth the endless sleepless nights and relentless work. They are so glorious, the colours, the clairty I could have cried. I couldnt stop starring at them and clapping my hands together ! It was truly the stuff of dreams for me, they were like paintings, yet so much more emotional because they were real and had lived and breathed in front of the camera. Happiness doesn’t make a dent in the emotions I felt. I can’t wait for the show to open, I can’t believe its almost time !

clarityClose up of print surface to show the clarity

Secret Locked in the Roots of a Kingdom

Secret Locked close up 1

checking secret locked

She'll Wait For You 1

Last Dance of the Flowers 2

Last Dance of the Flowers 3

she'll wait and secret

stars of spring on table

stars close up

Secret Locked, Gaia

Author Kirsty

More posts by Kirsty

Join the discussion 8 Comments

  • Congratulations on your opening. Could you share the name of the printer and any detail of the print prep process (for the scale of the prints) and the actual printing and mounting process?

    Again, congratulations, I look forward to book details.

  • Jaimie Sander says:

    OMG – this is so exciting ! I am so happy for you! Your work is just stunning,there aren’t words to describe how happy I am looking at your photographs,and reading your diaries! Thank you for sharing the process.

  • Ethel M Stewart (aka Tzipora Alona Woods) says:

    As an ordinary person who knows nothing about photography, I’m blown away by your work. One day I pray I will be able to own a print. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful. May the Lord richly bless you and what you have put your hands to do. May he give you favor with all those you come into contact. May he enlarge your territory. Blessings, my dear child. You are truly gifted.

  • dear kirsty,

    I cannot tell you how thrilled I am for your success!! and your generosity in sharing all your work and “making of” and your diaries!! you really are a visual poet and every new time I look at your photographs, I am touched by their beauty, your imaginantion and the work that went into them!
    I would LOVE one day to have a few of the prints (and the book!)
    I can well imagine your gallery show being sold out and hope you will be calm and happy at the event!
    (I have a few artistic tendencies myself, and ever since I saw your work for the first time, you were someone I wished I could work together with.)
    may you have many more magical inspirations for future works, which I am very much looking forward to seeing!
    all the best, stephie

  • P.S. the close up of the eye is just soooo beautiful!!!! that alone I would love to have!!!

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