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By 18th March 2008No Comments

a bedroom in Paris

So I went to Paris……. I ruined my brand new shoes running over cobbled streets laughing. I walked in the rain, I danced on tables, I ate everything I don’t usually allow myself to. I got drunk and cried, I watched live jazz till 2am, I ate cheese at 5am with a dog called Muffin.

Chez Papa
I slept when I never thought I could, I couldn’t sleep when I should. I took my self portrait, deleted it, took it again, deleted it, took it again and decided to try and except who I am, and promise myself I would do something with it…….


I ate a crepe bigger than my head full of cheese and potatoes, laughed some more, got soaked in the rain and blown by the wind……

I saw a man walking a cat on a lead, spent hours walking around galleries in a dream …. Took my friend Victoria’s portrait, lost my gloves, tried to photograph my friend Vincent, and it didn’t work because he’s much better than me… and I always get nervous.

So here are my friends……. This is Vincent, he is why I took up photography. He looks different all the time because he has magic hair that grows very quickly…. Sometimes he has a furry face and no hair, some times he has lots of hair and no face fur.

He’s a street photographer, and his pictures are so incredibly beautiful, they keep me awake at night……

We sat on the metro and took pictures of a giant rat, whilst a man played a clarinet, it was weird, silly and very funny all at once.

Vincent V's rat

This is Victoria, she’s beautiful and always worries about how she looks, which I will never understand…… in fact I think she is the most beautiful girl I know…………….

Oh to have those eyes.......We always laugh when we aren’t meant to, and never know when to stop dancing and go home… oh and Victoria always loses her car – I need to buy her a map!!

So we did a deal….. I would take some ‘proper’ pictures of her, and in return she would model for some ‘arty’ ones for me…. and we did……….

Victoria's shoes

Its not fair these people live in Paris, I find it very difficult sometimes….. but its always so wonderful to go back. So my plan went wrong, I didn’t write a huge blog entry or spend hours taking pictures,……… Instead I lived, and felt every moment.

 And played this song over and over again…………

I belong with your arms wrapped around my neck
Your lips glistening in the light
Awesome headlights passing by

Hold thought, I hold the thought
Walking back towards your house
Raindrops bouncing off the leaves
Down to our September kiss

Flying over bus stops and playgrounds
I’m here
Soaked right to the core
Stay here forever
I’m safe with you

If the words I’ve ever wrote
On the backs of envelopes
I could fold to paper planes
I would fly them thru your veins
Helicopters overhead
Wide awake at 3am
Now the ink runs to your heart
And you know just how I feel

Flying over bus stops and playgrounds
I’m here
Soaked right to the core
Stay here forever
I’m safe with you

Flying over bus stops and playgrounds
I’m here
Soaked right to the core
Stay here forever
I’m safe with you

Author Kirsty

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