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By 19th June 2009No Comments

Ok ….. I admit my blog has been pretty rubbish recently. I have had so many things going on I feel like I haven’t stopped to breathe for weeks and weeks. I have been limply promising to upload the Crystal Fighters band shoot since May, along with the behind the scenes photos, and endless other things have happened too…. all of which I WILL write about…. BUT, for now I just had to post this!! Looks like I’ll be doing things in reverse, because before I could finish the final band shoot picture (the only reason I haven’t posted it on here yet) …. the first picture has been published!!
I can’t believe it, I am so excited…… its been used by the NME which in case you have been living under a rock for the past 20 years is pretty big! ( I must stop sounding like a squeaky teenager but i’m thrilled !)
It seems it was all very good timing, since the shoot the band have signed with the Japanese label Kitsune, and released their first single which has made it in the ‘Mix Mag’ top ten, as well as being made single of the week on UK Radio One.

So, today has been a good day. I’m going to try and tie up all my loose ends this weekend, I have 3 shoots to finish, and then I’ll load them up on here and write my stories. I’m am getting much better now, I’m feeling stronger again and i’m almost healed, I still cry over mum all the time but I have to get a grip on things otherwise it just takes over my life and brings me down so hard. I guess its all about control and learning how to cope, its such a long and sad process, but i’m finding my way 😉

Author Kirsty

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