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Moving on…..

By 11th January 2010No Comments

Just to say I know I’ve been quiet, but I’m still here, slowly moving on. I’m getting better, and it seems I’m finding some balance again with my grief. I spent Christmas creating beautiful madness, we built the biggest prop I have ever used, as well as making costumes, researching and finally shooting 3 new character set ups for Wonderland. It has been such hard work, but working with Elbie again has been so great. We have had the biggest freeze in 60 years and have pushed ourselves to the limit to get the best out of the snow. It has been so incredibly difficult when all forms of transport are cut off and it’s minus 4 outside. We’ve had sleep over’s, midnight walks, treks through fields in knee deep snow. There’s been frustration, terrible light conditions, frozen models, no models, tonnes of paint, chemical foam, glue and gunk. I know I have been relentless in asking far too much of people, but as always it has been such a magical experience.

So Wonderland continues and I am frantic but steady, exhausted but so happy. It heals me having Elbie sitting in my kitchen at 7am whilst we eat our breakfast, surrounded by giant spray painted flowers, vintage kimonos, chicken wire, umbrellas made of painted twigs and glass baubles. This chaos makes me feel anything is possible and I know it is……

So another adventure begins and soon Winter Wonderland is on the way.

Author Kirsty

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