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It’s official, exercise is bad for your health……..

By 29th June 20088 Comments

bike crash

This will be the shortest entry in my blog to date, because typing h-h-h-hurts. All I can say is, you may look like a geek but people… wear a helmet, and hand protectors / knee pads…. and well, full body armor when going to a bike ride………and maybe you won’t end up looking like this.

I’m now minus 1 tooth, a large amount of my skin, and have a face like Jabba the Hut. My mouth is mashed up, and I have to eat everything through a straw. The only good thing about landing on my face was that I’ve finally lost the tooth I’ve hated for my entire adult life (it stuck out and made me nervous about smiling). The hospital dentist said a fake one could be put in and made straight – so a little extreme, but maybe now I won’t look like a donkey when I laugh.

A proper entry will be on the way once Ive healed a little……… I went to Ascot races last week… got some great pictures,….oh and violent food poisoning (Its really not my week) …  🙁    !!!

Author Kirsty

More posts by Kirsty

Join the discussion 8 Comments

  • Jeeps says:

    owwwww ouch!This is NOT good!I am so sorry to hear this piece of news.Please don't feel the need to respond… it must hurt all over!get better!! Soon!

  • DSS Music says:

    Oh you poor girl. I have done a very similar thing falling off my bike, so I know how you must be feeling. Every cloud has a silver lining and in a while you will be showing a beautiful smile and you will soon forget this incident. Get well soon and take care of yourself in future.

  • FnkeeMnkee says:

    I still can't look at the picture without wincing.My nephew fell over on the gravel last weekend and have very similar deep scrapes all across his hands.He got up and looked a bit upset, then brushed his hands off and kept running. THEN the pain hit about 8/9 steps forward and he stopped, looked down at his hands and just started shaking."Damn!! I thought I was alright!! Why hands, WHY!"

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