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‘Crystal Fighters’ shoot

By 4th April 20094 Comments

I am so tired I can barely type….. but i just had to say something about today. I will write up a full and glorious entry about the day, and work my way through the hundreds of photos from the shoot asap. BUT i just had to say….. today, was simply the best day of 2009 for me. It started at 6.30am with dark skies and rain, and i felt sick the moment I saw the weather…..but things somehow came together, and by the time everyone was ready to leave for the location the sun burst out of the sky.
Its was amazing……… everyone was brilliant, It was total, wonderful, chaos. We threw mud at the band, burned armchairs in a swamp, I had to wear a wetsuit to get into the pond (which i put on backwards, by accident lol!!). Everyone laughed and I felt like i made some new genuine friends….. I can’t say thanks enough to all the people that helped me. I simply could not have done it without every single one of them. I’m going to bed now, but i just had put down how this felt….. to feel alive again …… to laugh again ……. to feel like me again. I looked like hell all day, but i just didn’t care, i was around friends, and it felt so good to not be hiding away for once.
So  BIG SMILE…….I’ll be back with the pictures soon!!!!  x

Author Kirsty

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