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Announcing ‘Wonderland’ at Fotografiska Museum in Stockholm

By 20th November 20186 Comments

It is November 19th 2018, ten days after the ten year anniversary of losing my mother, and 8.5 years since I first stood in a Lavender field at dawn, about to take the very first picture in The Wonderland Series.
Today I sit in front of my laptop, adrenaline coursing through my veins as I try to find the right words to explain my excitement at the news I am about to share with you.

For many years now Wonderland seems to have had a life of it’s own, at times I feel like it left me behind long ago, and has gone off into the universe gaining a momentum and outreach that is so beyond my original expectations, that I can’t quite believe it myself. Today is one of those days, and so I just I need to blurt this out, after sitting on this information for an entire agonising year ….. the wait has been unbearable!

The dream I once had, of the entire series (all 74 photographs) being exhibited at a world class level, by a major museum has come true. On December 7th 2018, Wonderland will open as Fotografiska’s headlining Winter show in Stockholm, Sweden. It will run for 3 months and will then tour to London and New York.

Fotografiska is one of the world’s largest meeting places for contemporary photography, and has exhibited so many of my hero’s that I hardly know where to begin explaining what this opportunity means to me.
The exhibition will be the largest in the museum, covering over 480 meters square, as well as an additional cinema room which will be playing the Wonderland films.

Unlike most photography shows, Fotografiska creates unique immersive experiences for their visitors, tailored to the identities of the artists they present. I travelled to Sweden last summer to see the museum and I can safely say I have never experienced a space like it for photography, it was breathtaking. This is a film of the show I saw at the time by Cooper and Gorfer, which left me without any doubt that Fotografiska was the dream museum I wanted to work with.

The Wonderland Exhibition 

I have been working closely with Fotografiska for the past 3 months on every last detail, from giant wallpapers of 5 meter wide photographs, to paint colours, exhibition texts, room layouts and soundscapes. It is has been thrilling and overwhelming all at once, and I still can’t quite imagine the scale of it all – not to mention how it will feel to see the subway posters and billboards! The Wonderland book will be available to buy in the museum shop and for the first time ever, there will also be Wonderland merchandise to buy –  including posters, postcards and notebooks, something I know many of you have been asking for over the years. (these will be available to buy online too).

So for now I will keep this entry short, because I still have so much work to do before the show opens. But consider this the first in a long line of write ups I’ll be doing about the show over the coming weeks. I will be flying over for the week of the opening and can’t wait to share every single part of the experience with you all. I will of course be reporting live on my INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK as much as possible too.

Examples of previous shows at Fotografiska. (Christian Tagliavini, Martin Schoeller, Jill Greenberg, Cooper & Gorfer, Vee Spears.)

Fotografiska LONDON

For those of you wanting to know about London and New York dates it could be over a year or more into the future, I just don’t know as yet. Fotografiska is in the final stages of completing their London and New York locations which will both open in Spring 2019 (more information here).

However I will say that this show is purpose designed to the huge scale of the Stockholm location and if you can get on a plane, I truly think this will be well worth the trip!

Honestly this entry has been quite surreal to write, I can’t believe this dream is about to come true…….

Fotografiska New York

Author Kirsty

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