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An English Spring…..

By 29th March 2008No Comments

An English Spring.........

He held my hand, because I couldn’t balance…… the wind was too strong.

My shoes were wrong as always, the heels disappearing into the pebbles…. but that made me smile, its who I am.

I could barely see through my hair as it lashed at my face, my hands were numb, my eyes wet.

He walked ahead, a silhouette, ……. shoulders dropped as if taking the weight of the horizon.

I closed my eyes, and raised my face to the sky….. waiting for this landscape to crack. The clouds had gathered, the sea was swollen……….and then … just as I pressed the viewfinder to my skin, the sun broke through the darkness, and set the sea on fire for a few brief moments……………..

And it truly looked like that……. an ocean of light, shattered by the pull of the waves…… a positive/negative of nature, captured in my camera….. just before the rain returned, and the snow began to fall.

Brighton beach, an English spring.

The burned down West Pier

brighton beach

Author Kirsty

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